

Star Pharmacies are approved vaccination providers for all COVID-19 vaccines, flu vaccines, and many other vaccines. The following are available for vaccination from pharmacy as of 17/11/2022:

  • Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Boostrix, Adacel)
    • Partners Whooping cough vaccine program
      • Partners of women who are at least 28 weeks pregnant and have note received a petrussis booster in 10 years
      • Parents/Guardians of baby under 6 moths of age and have not received a pertussis booster in the last 10 years
    • Catch up for peoples aged 12-19 years of age
    • Refugess & all humanitarian entrants from 12 years and over
    • Pregnant women from 20 weeks gestation during every pregnancy
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (Priorix, M-M-R II)
    • Priorix or M-M-R II
      • Catch up for people aged 15-19 years of age
      • Refugees and all humanitarian entrants over the age of 15 years
    • M-M-R II only
      • Women planning pregnancy or post-partum with low or negative rubella antibody levels
      • People born during or since 1966 and aged over 20 years and over requiring 1 or 2 doses (without evidence of receiving 2 documented doses of valid MMR vaccine or without serological evidence of immunity)
  • Meningococcal A, C, W, and Y (Nimenrix)
    • People aged between 15-19 years of age
  • Influenza (Various brands)
    • Greater than or equal to age of 5 years or
      • Fluad Quad
        • People aged 65 years and over
      • Fluzone Quad
        • People aged 60 and over
  • Japanese Encephalitis Virus (Imojev)
    • People aged greater than or equal to 9 months and older
  • Human papillomavirus (Gardasil 9)
    • Year 7 secondary school or aged 12-13 years of age
    • Catch up for ages between 12-20 years of age
    • Vulnerable people if age appropriate 12 years and older
  • Shingles (Zostavax, Shingrix)
    • Peoples 50 years of age or greater
  • Pneumococcal (Prevenar 13, Pneumovax 23)
    • Prevenar 13
      • Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people aged equal to or greater than 50 years
      • Health non-indigenous adults aged equal to or greater than 70 years
      • 50 years and older with specified medical risk conditions
    • Pneumovax 23
      • Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people aged equal to or greater than 50 years
      • Any age greater than or equal to 50 years with specified medical risk conditions


We are happy to help provide immunisations to our local and wider community. 

You can also book online via the button below, or come into the pharmacy. For vaccinations other than COVID-19, Influenza & Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis, booking instore may be needed due to potential stock issues. Please check eligibility in the 'Types of COVID-19 vaccinations' via infographic prior to booking.

Select your pharmacy below to book your vaccination

To find more information about your Vaccination

Star Pharmacy

Our vision at Star Pharmacy is to offer “Better Health Solutions” with our advanced technology, extensive health services, experienced pharmacists, naturopath and trained staff we will assist you with all your primary health care needs.